
United States Forest Service brings together partnerships from the Forest Management and Fire Prevention Program in Brazil

18 setembro, 2024

On August 14 and 15, the United States Forest Service (USFS), with support from USAID/Brazil, brought together representatives from the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources ( Ibama), from the National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (Funai), at the Planning Meeting between Partnerships, whose main objective was the participatory elaboration of the Technical Cooperation Work Plan for the years 2025-2027. 

The event also had the collaboration of other Brazilian Government institutions, such as the Brazilian Forest Service and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change.

With support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the USFS has worked in close partnership with Brazilian institutions to strengthen integrated fire management, forest management and governance, biodiversity conservation, socio-bioeconomy, and support and resilience of indigenous and traditional peoples in the face of climate change.

During the two-day event in Brasília, participants contributed to the construction of a strategic plan that aligns the priorities of each partner institution with the common objectives of conservation and sustainable development. The workshop also enabled debate on the implementation of related activities and the reaching of new agreements that reinforce collaboration between the institutions involved.

“Ibama’s participation in this process is essential to ensure that conservation and natural resource management actions are carried out in an integrated and effective manner, in line with Brazil’s specific needs and challenges”, highlighted the president of Ibama, Rodrigo Agostinho. The event was an opportunity to strengthen international cooperation and reaffirm Brazil’s commitment to the preservation of its ecosystems and the sustainability of its communities.

The next steps involve finalizing the Work Plan and implementing the agreed-upon activities, with a focus on promoting sustainable management practices, fostering social inclusion, and driving economic development in the target areas. 

“Our collaboration with ICMBio, Ibama, Funai, local communities, universities, civil society organizations and the private sector aims to strengthen integrated fire management, the management of protected areas and indigenous territories, strengthen the bioeconomy, conserve biodiversity and facilitate adaptation to climate change in the Amazon”, explained Mark Carrato, director of USAID Brazil.

Forest Management and Fire Prevention 

The Forest Management and Fire Prevention Program in Brazil, implemented by the USFS with the support of USAID/Brazil, is an initiative that aims to strengthen biodiversity conservation and increase the resilience of socio-ecological systems and communities in protected territories in the Legal Amazon.

Among the program’s detailed objectives are the reduction of ecosystem degradation, the restoration of degraded areas, the improvement of the quality of life of indigenous and traditional communities, and the promotion of sustainable practices that contribute to the mitigation of climate change. “This workshop is crucial for exchanging ideas, building a shared understanding of what’s progressing and yielding results, and aligning on what we want to achieve for even better outcomes. We aim to change lives through partnerships and connections, but also to have a positive impact on a landscape scale, in forests, biodiversity conservation, and by strengthening social participation. Inclusion, diversity, and justice are fundamental, as we recognize that all of these are interconnected”, says Jayleen Vera, general coordinator of the USFS, for the Brazil Program.